by Manoj Bidnurkar | Jan 2, 2017 | Monthly Tip
Is ADHD making you less effective at work, causing or extending injuries? Recognized in 2013 by the DSM-5, for the first time adults can be diagnosed with ADHD. Harder to diagnose due to presentation, self-medication, and coping skills. While more subtle in adults we...
by Manoj Bidnurkar | Dec 6, 2016 | Monthly Tip
Celebrities show up late or not at all to shows all the time, who recalls “No Show Jones”? George regularly backed out of concerts due to his habit with drinking and drugs. When a celebrity like Celine or Kanye cancels or delays their concert they get big headlines,...
by Manoj Bidnurkar | Nov 7, 2016 | Monthly Tip
Suffering from a toothaches, a South Carolina woman headed to her local ER a few months ago. The doctor there responded by administering Dilaudid, a powerful intramuscular narcotic typically reserved for cancer-related pain. Why, his nurse queried, was he killing a...
by Manoj Bidnurkar | Oct 16, 2016 | Monthly Tip
The last 3 cases I worked had pre-existing injuries 1-2 years prior to the current claims, identical complaints and medical findings. Clearly pre-existing? This led me to do some research in an attempt to help determine what is compensable. OSHA Section 1904.5...
by Manoj Bidnurkar | Sep 16, 2016 | Monthly Tip
Workers’ compensation fraud costs the average consumer $900 annually in reduced paychecks and bonuses. Also with increased insurance rates, increased health care, and revenue stolen from businesses. While most claims are legitimate, studies indicate that 1 to 2% or...
by Manoj Bidnurkar | Aug 3, 2016 | Monthly Tip
Having the wrong treatment protocol on day one can contribute significantly to bad outcomes with injured workers. The claims are referred to as outliers, many of these ’red flag’ cases never return to work. Best practice care begins with the use of evidence-based UR...