Less But Better

Have you found yourself trying to please everyone however not happy with the product, the report, or project outcome? Today’s demands are overwhelming and in attempts to do everything asked of you priorities become diffused. Injury clinics and providers are clearly...

Unconscious Bias

Unrecognized and unmanaged unconscious bias can lead to health disparities, resulting in potentially negative consequences, costly missteps, lost time, terminations by the insured, and poor outcomes. Bias defined: a negative evaluation of one group to another....

Not Just the Kids, ADHD in Adults

Is ADHD making you less effective at work, causing or extending injuries? Recognized in 2013 by the DSM-5, for the first time adults can be diagnosed with ADHD. Harder to diagnose due to presentation, self-medication, and coping skills. While more subtle in adults we...

No Shows Cost Big Money

Celebrities show up late or not at all to shows all the time, who recalls “No Show Jones”? George regularly backed out of concerts due to his habit with drinking and drugs. When a celebrity like Celine or Kanye cancels or delays their concert they get big headlines,...