Three Myths about HIPAA?

HPSO (Healthcare Providers Service Organization) Risk Management section brings to our attention the “myths” that currently exists about HIPAA. HPSO advises that “in fact” there has not been any legal enforcement outcomes set by case law precedence for the HIPAA...

Difficult Injured Worker-Challenging Documentation!

What do you say in the patient record when your injured worker will not follow recommendations or healthcare provider treatment plans? Use the word “declined” which is less negative than “refused” “Never” or “always” should be avoided and replaced with objective...

Do You Know About These “3 P’s”?

In a recent article of the HPSO (Healthcare Providers Service Organization) Risk Management section, Social Networking Digital Ethics were discussed for professionals dealing with “clients” and the healthcare issues. Tips for the use of “social networks” such as:...

New Years Resolution: Lose Weight

This year you made the pledge again to lose weight. Arrh… it seems to be one you try really hard to achieve and forget. You know the usual routine of eating in moderation, exercising, and drinking more water and other fluids. You need energy, and to get that energy...